Bunclody Community College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Child Protection

All staff at Bunclody Community College are committed to promoting student welfare and to the safeguarding of all young people in our care. We aim to ensure that no young person is harmed, or placed at risk of harm, while in school, while engaging in school activities, or in their personal lives.
Our student’s welfare and best interests will always be our prime concern. We take positive measures to support young people who may need protection from any form of harm.

At BCC we ensure that all staff in our school understand their safeguarding roles and responsibilities. All staff are confident and skilled when it comes to safeguarding our students from harm and we take positive action to prevent anyone who might pose a risk to our students. We take stringent measures against any staff, associate, or visitor who could potentially perpetrate any act of violence or harm against our students. We have many layers of support in our school for students who require emotional support as we are very aware of the stresses that life can throw at our young people.

The Board of Management of Bunclody Vocational College has adopted as policy, the Child Protection Guidelines for Post-Primary Schools as published by the Department of Education & Science. The full text of this document is available at the following link.


Children First Revised Procedures 2023

The Board of Management of Bunclody Community College also have an obligation to review the schools Child Protection Safeguarding Statement and Child Protection Safeguarding Risk Assessment, on an annual basis. Notification of the most recent review is available at the following link.

Notification of Review of Child Protection 2023-2024

Bunclody Community College's current Child Protection Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment are available to view here using this link:

Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment BVC 2023-2024

The management of Bunclody Community College welcomes parental feedback in relation to all aspects of school life. This includes our handling of disclosures of a child protection nature and our execution of Child Protection procedures and practices. Parents are therefore invited to email any views, opinions or concerns directly to Mr. Murphy, Designated Liaison Person and school principal, using the following email address: jamesmurphy@wwetb.ie

No events found
A School of Sanctuary Committee initiative "Wear Red Day - Give Racism the Red Card" took place on Friday last
Autism Parents Support Network Webinar Tuesday 11th February at 7pm
This news article is aimed at familiarising parents with the HSE's School Health Programme. It also outlines their procedures regarding the sharing of student data.
Bunclody Community College,
Irish St,
Co. Wexford,

053 937 7590

Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2025 Bunclody Community College